AI interviews:
Fast & Simple reports
in no time

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Ask your customers open-ended questions about

…and the AI will create reporting.

So how does it work?

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Let’s talk!

If our project resonates with you and you see potential for a collaboration, we would 💙 to hear from you.

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It starts with an interview…

AI: Hello! Welcome to the Zwin nature park. Have you visited the park yet?
Visitor: yes I have
AI: Great! What made you decide to visit the Zwin nature park?
Visitor:  My dad grew up in Belgium and was born in Belgium and spent a lot of Somers in
AI: That’s wonderful! It must be quite special for your dad to revisit those memories. How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor:  Dad told me about it and said it was a beautiful Park
AI: It’s always nice to have a personal recommendation. Who did you come to the park with today?
Visitor: my whole family my brother and my mom and my dad and me
AI: That sounds like a lovely family outing. What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor:  try to find all the birds in the booklet they gave us and try and fly experience in the simulator
AI: That sounds like a lot of fun! Did you think the ticket price was reasonable for the experience you had?
Visitor: was very very reasonable
AI: I’m glad to hear that! Is there anything you would change about the park or your visit experience?
Visitor: yes I want to add a couple more birds to your bird list
AI: That’s an interesting suggestion. Are there any specific birds you have in mind that you’d like to see added?
Visitor: Mockingbird
AI: A Mockingbird would be a unique addition! Do you think you and your family will visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: definitely especially with my kids and my family
AI: It sounds like you had a wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

AI:  Hello! Welcome! Have you visited the Zwin nature park yet?
Visitor: yeah
AI:  Great! What motivated you to visit the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: someone forced me to do it
AI:  I see. Who did you visit the park with?
Visitor: a couple of friends
AI:  How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: one of my friends
AI:  What did you think of the ticket price?
Visitor: not that expensive
AI:  What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: weather was pretty great
AI:  That’s nice to hear! Is there anything you would change about the park or your visit experience?
Visitor: I would make the Lego bird bigger
AI:  Interesting suggestion! Do you think you’ll come back to visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: thank you
Visitor: no thank you
AI:  Thank you for sharing your experience.



AI: Hello! Welcome. Have you visited the Zwin nature park yet?
Visitor: yes
AI: Great! What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: nothing
AI: I’m sorry to hear that. Could you tell me why you decided to come to the Zwin nature park in the first place?
Visitor: because I’m lonely
AI: I see. How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: my friend told me about it
AI: Got it. Were you visiting the park alone, or were you with a group?
Visitor: what
AI: Were you visiting the Zwin nature park by yourself, or did you come with other people?
Visitor: hiking in my family
AI: That sounds nice. What did you think of the ticket price for the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: god
AI: Just to clarify, did you mean that you found the ticket price to be good?
Visitor: yes
AI: Thank you for clarifying. Is there anything you would change about the Zwin nature park to improve the experience?
Visitor: no
AI: Alright. Do you think you will come back to visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: yes
AI: Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

AI: Hello! Welcome! Have you visited the Zwin nature park yet?
Visitor: yeah
AI: Great! What motivated you to visit the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: someone forced me to do it
AI: I see. Who did you visit the park with?
Visitor: a couple of friends
AI: How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: one of my friends
AI: What did you think of the ticket price?
Visitor: not that expensive
AI: What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: weather was pretty great
AI: That’s nice to hear! Is there anything you would change about the park or your visit experience?
Visitor: I would make the Lego bird bigger
AI: Interesting suggestion! Do you think you’ll come back to visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: thank you
AI: Thank you for sharing your experience.

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… that’s saved in the cloud …

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… then analyzed by AI…

“I think the ticket price was too high

Ticket price:

“I visited with my two kids and my wife

Group composition:

“I would definitely visit this place again”


“I heard about this place through Instagram


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…put in a dataset…

ID Ticket Price Group Composition Communication
Social Media
Word of Mouth
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… and finally a report.

Interviews Today
Satisfaction rate
0 %
Would visit again
0 %

Ticket price opinion

Low 60%
medium 25%
high 15%

Group composition

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Alone
  • Other
The AI can create with the interview data

Let’s talk!

If our project resonates with you and you see potential for a collaboration, we would 💙 to hear from you.