AI blogs: the best places to learn more about artificial intelligence

Here are some interesting, smaller blogs about machine learning that focus on various aspects of the field. These blogs are written by experts, researchers, and practitioners, and they share insights, tutorials, and news related to machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence.

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list of AI blogs

Remember that some of these blogs may not be updated as frequently as larger publications, but they still offer valuable insights and unique perspectives on the world of machine learning.

This blog focuses on practical aspects of machine learning and covers topics such as natural language processing, computer vision, and deep learning.

AI blog FastML

Author: Ferenc Husz谩r

This blog offers in-depth discussions on machine learning, statistics, and artificial intelligence, often presenting unique perspectives on contemporary research.

AI blog inFERENCe

Authors: Sanjeev Arora, Nisheeth Vishnoi, Nadav Cohen

The authors, all researchers and professors, write about topics related to machine learning, optimization, and deep learning, offering insights into current challenges and potential solutions.

AI blog Off The Convex Path

Author: Sebastian Ruder

Sebastian Ruder is an AI research scientist, and his blog covers topics such as natural language processing, transfer learning, and optimization.

AI blog Ruder

Author: Denny Britz

This blog focuses on deep learning and natural language processing, offering tutorials, research summaries, and opinion pieces.

AI blog Denny's Blog

Author: Chris Olah

This blog presents complex machine learning concepts in an accessible way using visualizations and intuitive explanations.

AI blog Colah

Author: Paul Christiano

This blog discusses the long-term implications of AI and machine learning, with a focus on ensuring that AI systems are safe and align with human values.

AI blog AI Alignment

This blog explores the societal implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning, focusing on forecasting, safety, and policy considerations.

AI blog AI Impacts

Authors: Jeff Leek, Roger D. Peng, and Rafa Irizarry

This blog provides insight into the world of statistics, data science, and machine learning, often discussing interesting real-world applications.

AI blog Simply Statistics

AI Weekly is a newsletter-style blog that curates the latest news, articles, and resources on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning from around the web.

AI blog AI Weekly

The Asimov Institute focuses on research and analysis of AI and machine learning, featuring articles on neural networks, reinforcement learning, and other cutting-edge technologies.

AI blog Asimov Institute

While not exactly a small blog, Towards Data Science features a wide variety of articles from individual contributors, offering insights, tutorials, and opinions on machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.

AI blog Towards Data Science

Author: Jason Brownlee

The blog offers practical advice and tutorials on how to get started with machine learning and improve your skills.

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