Lego stork interviews Nature Park visitors

AI asks park visitors about their opinion

Museums, parks and events are constantly looking for ways to collect meaningful feedback from visitors. Traditional multiple-choice questions on a tablet often fall short: they simply don’t capture the depth of visitors’ true opinions. Hiring interviewers and performing data analysis can be costly and time-consuming.

Lean Mean Learning Machine technology provides a solution to these challenges.


  • Interactive and Natural: Visitors share their experiences through natural conversations rather than impersonal surveys.

  • In-depth Insights: AI-driven questioning effectively captures detailed visitor perspectives on various aspects, from amenities to pricing.

  • Real-Time Analytics: Interview responses are automatically analyzed and presented through intuitive dashboards, providing immediate insights and actionable data.

  • Cost-Efficient and Scalable: Significantly reduces the need for human interviewers and manual analysis, allowing for efficient data collection at scale.

Real-time AI interview

Interview at Zwin Nature Park

Benefits for companies

Know what visitors want!

Together with the Zwin Nature Park we decided on several key topics of visitor experience they wanted to investigate. We set up the AI accordingly and now they have access to: 

  • Comprehensive Data: Structured yet flexible interviews ensure reliable and thorough feedback from diverse visitor groups.

  • Immediate Reporting: Instant access to detailed analysis helps institutions quickly identify areas for improvement and adapt accordingly.

  • Enhanced Visitor Engagement: Interactive interviews encourage visitor participation, leading to higher response rates and richer feedback.

Dashboard screenshot

This dashboard demonstrates the power of AI-driven analysis. All data was collected and categorized entirely by AI, with no human involvement in the reporting process. Our analysis shows an impressive 92% accuracy rate in categorizing visitor responses into specific categories. The remaining 8% of responses were debatable, emphasizing the high reliability and consistency (inter-rater reliability) of our AI-driven method.

Since launching at Zwin Nature Park in summer 2024, This Lean Mean Learning Machine has taken over 7000 interviews in a 9 month period and successfully facilitated extensive visitor engagement, with 59% of interactions lasting over 2 minutes, highlighting visitors’ willingness and enthusiasm to share meaningful feedback through conversational AI.

Let’s talk!

If our project resonates with you and you see potential for a collaboration, we would 💙 to hear from you.

Interview transcripts

These are some excerpts from interviews highlighting how well the AI navigates a conversation and gathers visitor’s experiences. We created a blogpost with more information on how the system works.

AI: Hello! Welcome to the Zwin nature park. Have you visited the park yet?
Visitor: yes I have
AI: Great! What made you decide to visit the Zwin nature park?
Visitor:  My dad grew up in Belgium and was born in Belgium and spent a lot of Somers in
AI: That’s wonderful! It must be quite special for your dad to revisit those memories. How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor:  Dad told me about it and said it was a beautiful Park
AI: It’s always nice to have a personal recommendation. Who did you come to the park with today?
Visitor: my whole family my brother and my mom and my dad and me
AI: That sounds like a lovely family outing. What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor:  try to find all the birds in the booklet they gave us and try and fly experience in the simulator
AI: That sounds like a lot of fun! Did you think the ticket price was reasonable for the experience you had?
Visitor: was very very reasonable
AI: I’m glad to hear that! Is there anything you would change about the park or your visit experience?
Visitor: yes I want to add a couple more birds to your bird list
AI: That’s an interesting suggestion. Are there any specific birds you have in mind that you’d like to see added?
Visitor: Mockingbird
AI: A Mockingbird would be a unique addition! Do you think you and your family will visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: definitely especially with my kids and my family
AI: It sounds like you had a wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

AI:  Hello! Welcome! Have you visited the Zwin nature park yet?
Visitor: yeah
AI:  Great! What motivated you to visit the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: someone forced me to do it
AI:  I see. Who did you visit the park with?
Visitor: a couple of friends
AI:  How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: one of my friends
AI:  What did you think of the ticket price?
Visitor: not that expensive
AI:  What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: weather was pretty great
AI:  That’s nice to hear! Is there anything you would change about the park or your visit experience?
Visitor: I would make the Lego bird bigger
AI:  Interesting suggestion! Do you think you’ll come back to visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: thank you
Visitor: no thank you
AI:  Thank you for sharing your experience.



AI: Hello! Welcome. Have you visited the Zwin nature park yet?
Visitor: yes
AI: Great! What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: nothing
AI: I’m sorry to hear that. Could you tell me why you decided to come to the Zwin nature park in the first place?
Visitor: because I’m lonely
AI: I see. How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: my friend told me about it
AI: Got it. Were you visiting the park alone, or were you with a group?
Visitor: what
AI: Were you visiting the Zwin nature park by yourself, or did you come with other people?
Visitor: hiking in my family
AI: That sounds nice. What did you think of the ticket price for the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: god
AI: Just to clarify, did you mean that you found the ticket price to be good?
Visitor: yes
AI: Thank you for clarifying. Is there anything you would change about the Zwin nature park to improve the experience?
Visitor: no
AI: Alright. Do you think you will come back to visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: yes
AI: Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

AI: Hello! Welcome! Have you visited the Zwin nature park yet?
Visitor: yeah
AI: Great! What motivated you to visit the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: someone forced me to do it
AI: I see. Who did you visit the park with?
Visitor: a couple of friends
AI: How did you first hear about the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: one of my friends
AI: What did you think of the ticket price?
Visitor: not that expensive
AI: What was the highlight of your visit to the Zwin nature park?
Visitor: weather was pretty great
AI: That’s nice to hear! Is there anything you would change about the park or your visit experience?
Visitor: I would make the Lego bird bigger
AI: Interesting suggestion! Do you think you’ll come back to visit the Zwin nature park again in the future?
Visitor: thank you
AI: Thank you for sharing your experience.

Let’s talk!

If our project resonates with you and you see potential for a collaboration, we would 💙 to hear from you.

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